Thursday, February 11, 2010

Annie Final Rehearsal - I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here

Annie Final rehearsal - Tomorrow

Annie Final Dress Rehearsal - Hard Knock Life

Annie Final Dress Rehearsal - Maybe

Love the comment from a stray orphan about "having the dog" - the backstage.

Opening Night is Here

Whew! We made it. Tonight is opening night. I haven't been able to blog because I've either been at work or at the theatre.

The backdrops arrived two days ago and look great! The pre-recorded music is working - the rehearsal CDs didn't make it when the machine did, so I had to quickly scramble and call the MT pit to have them overnight the CDs so the actors could rehearse at home as well as downstairs in the theatre while other parts of the rehearsal process were being taken care of upstairs.

I'm so thankful for everyone who stepped in to help make this production look and sound GREAT!! As with all shows, the scene changes took some time to be choreographed, especially my request to have a staircase for Annie to come running down in her red dress and wig. She looks SO CUTE in her traditional Annie outfit.

We also added some pillars to the Warbucks scenes to help balance out the stage - they look good and definitely add to the grandeur of Warbucks Mansion.

The costumes look fabulous, I'm so amazed at Amy, she really did such a wonderful job at costuming over 60 actors.

I could use a couple more mics for the show - we have 11 and I'm adding one more tonight. We had a couple of missed cues last night because of the lack of enough mics and having to swap them out with the various actors, but that will get fixed to night.

The lights look great, I saw one small problem last night with the lights going dark before NYC was completely over and the lights coming up in the followiong scene - but we got that fixed as well.

I'm so proud of everyone and I can't them them enough.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Music's Here!!!!

Yay!!!!! Off to rehearsal to see what it sounds like : D

Still No Music

Grrrr.... we paid extra to have the MT PIT music machine delivered for yesterday, & it sat at the FedEx dest sort facility since 3:16am. We have an est. delivery of by 4:30pm today. At least we had our rehearsal pianist yesterday to fix/clean up some songs. Tonight we'll focus on Act II music.

Most of the orphans have orphan looking shoes. Props are being gathered - can't wait to see the vintage wheelchair on stage again.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Annie "Together at Last"

Annie "Cabinet Tomorrow"

The guys and gals - are having a lot of fun with this number : D

Annie - "Tomorrow"

Here's Ali rehearsing "Tomorrow" with Honey as Sandy. Sandy lost his rope, and decided to go in a different direction. Ali's such a pro, she continues on no matter what. She even kept going the other day when Honey got sick and left part of a rawhide on stage during the song. Poor Doggie.

Weekend Rehearsal

We ran through Act II on Friday Act I on Saturday and the full show on Sunday. Cleaned up some messy blocking, worked on songs & dances some more - cleaning them up, making sure everyone is hitting their notes and picking their feet up when dancing. Its starting to come together. we also had a new pianist this weekend. I'm so thankful for everyone who's stepping in and taking a part of the show - that's what makes community theatre so wonderful!

A color ad ran in Sunday's paper - haven't seen it yet. My fabulous mom & brother picked up a copy for me.

Music is supposed to arrive today. I'm anxiously awaiting its arrival. We're supposed to rehearse Act I music tonight with the recorded music.

The Mom of Pepper red has been taking rehearsal photos - they look wonderful!!! I can't wait to share some of them here.