I'm directing "Annie the Musical"! This will be the place for me to express ideas, thoughts, activities and keep track of the progress on this wonderful new journey I've begun.
Tonight a meeting with Jeff & Ben to discuss auditions, set design and dozens of ideas and questions floating through my head at this time.
Here's a list of questions so far:
1. Orphan Cast - should I have two teams of the principle orphans, an Annie understudy & two swings, or just one cast of the main orphans - all of these include masses of orphan extras to give as many kids as possible the exposure to the wonderful world of theatre
2. Can I include these questions on the audition sheet:
Are you willing to shave your head (for Warbucks)
Are you willing to cur & dye your hair (for Annie)
3. When do we have Sandy auditions? Can we involve the humane society to provide walk -on roles for dogs up for adoption in the dogcatcher scene?
4. Will the principles have mics?
5. Musical director at the auditions?
6. No fly-loft in our venue. Can have one backdrop. How about wagons? Grand Staircase - do we have a budget for it?
7. Scripts - are they in? Have we secured the rights?
8. Tech week - when do we get to move into the Empire?
9. Collection Display?
10. When should the cast list go up?
11. When should 1st rehearsal start?
12. Do I need to include behavior guidelines when handing out the audition forms?
13. Suggest "Annie Warbucks" for next year
14. Casting myself into the show?
15. Start a contact list of the creative team
16. Who will do marketing, media, publicity, promos, fundraising?
This is just a start - many more to come.
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