We ran all of Act I last night with the exception of the last scene because "You Won't Be An Orphan For Long" hasn't been choreographed yet. It went very well for a first run through. We stopped between scenes to block new actors into their spots. I now have a Lt. Ward!!! I'm so excited - he's a grandpa of one of the orphan chorus girls and stepped right last night for the first time.
The "Storm" isn't as bad as I expected it to be at this time, so we are having rehearsal today. I'll play it by ear and see what happens throughout the day. The roads a slushy and the slush is getting compacted and freezing in places, but people are out and about.
Annie's curly wig arrived yesterday - we'll try it on today and see how it fits. I'm pleased with the color, it matches her dye job quite well. I wonder what it will look like under the stage lights.
I got confirmation that the backdrops are ordered for sure and have a guaranteed date of February 10th. - One day before our opening.
As for music, that's the only problem area right now. Legally, there is no canned music available to use for performances, the orchestra machine MTI has is $3,000.00 and pit musicians are at a premium right now. We are looking at another posibility of having a pit come in and record the show - I'd like to have them live - sigh....
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